Reflective practitioner – what is good education and learning?
A workshop to provide you with a more detailed description on “reflective practitioner” and discussion on how to start a change process to enhance learning using modern methods and technology. If you are interested in discussing and question “What is good education and learning?” you are welcome, not just to talk but, to eventually be able to make real difference in your life and learning situation.
The use of technology in your classroom can be a great motivator for your students, and in the same time be an important source for better and deeper learning.
The presence of laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc, in the classroom, gives you - as the teacher - a perfect step stone for use of Technology-Enhanced Teaching. But do you do you use the technology, for anything else than clicking through your PowerPoint slideshow?
In this presentation I will keep a focus on the low hanging fruits. I will give you a short introduction for some free online tools, which can be a great companion for you in your classroom. And I will go a step further: You will be “exposed” to Technology-Enhanced Teaching.
As VP Productions in Boxer Technologies and later in Edvantage group Norway, Mr Sjølyst was responsible for development of all bespoke projects in addition to the authoring tool CourseBuilder.
He has led a number of large e-learning projects (up to € 2 million in size) and been responsible for yearly project portfolios of up €7 million.
Since 2007 he has, as VP CourseBuilder in Edvantage Group and later Head of Product, CourseBuilder in Lumesse focused solely on the development and sales of the award-winning authoring tool CourseBuilder, working with clients like Vodafone, the UK Ministry of Defense, Volvo, Electrolux, SEB, Lloyds Banking Group and many others.
Many learning initiatives today ends up being a one-time event. We create a "course" and, whether that is pure elearning or a blended initiative, it most often is used once by the target group who are taken through a pre-defined path of pre-defined content and activities.
Allowing this content to adapt to the individual learner needs and learning styles/preferences is often seen as hard and costly, and we end up squeezing everyone into the same mould, creating disengaged, bored learners who, frankly, would be happy to never see the content again.
Most likely they never will anyway, as accessing any golden nuggets of information later becomes very hard when they are hidden inside large course-structures on the LMS which aren't searchable.
How can we increase learner engagement and satisfaction, reduce and focus training time and make learning content usable outside the one-time training event?
How can we make the content not only available, but actually usable and useful, across all of the various devices we all use today and the very different ways we use these devices?
The presentation will show and discuss practical examples of how you can create flexible, learner-adaptive content and how this, in combination with a powerful search-functionality, can change the way users access and use learning.
In this workshop you will learn how to use Microsoft OneNote effectively to research, gather, edit and share information and material in ADL projects. Combined with the Surface Pro and its pen, OneNote forms an effective tool for the modern way of working and learning.
H5P to create rich interactive content for eLearning
The need for easy to produce rich media content is driving force for developers in eLearning all over the world. Learning is more and more happening in visual interactive environments and that puts pressure for eLearning designers and instructors.
One solution answering to this need is open source HTML5 eLearning authoring tool called H5P ( With H5P instructors can create HTML5 mobile friendly interactive elearing content on web browser without any technical expertice.
The idea of H5P aims to make it easy for everyone to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content. From traditional Course Presentations to Interactive Videos and Presentations, Quizzes, Games and Social Media integrations have been developed and shared using H5P. There are over 30 Content Types for Games, Multimedia, Questions and Social Media. H5P is free and open technology, licensed with the GPL2 license.
H5P framework
H5P consists of a web based content editor which instructors use for content creation, a web site run by Drupal or Wordpress for sharing content type with H5P plugins and it’s own file format for bundling together created HTML5 resources. At the moment support Wordpress and Drupal.
H5P and eLearning with Moodle
H5P provides the tools for teachers and instructors to create learning content in a web browser. There has been increasing need for plugin to Moodle globally and Mediamaisteri Oy from Finland and Joubel from Norway have started collaboration to create this plugin. At the moment content created with H5P can be uploaded to Moodle as Activity file. This makes possible to create also content which needs to be situated in highly secured server environment. Next step will be H5P editor which is a real plugin to Moodle for H5P content creation without Drupal or other CMS – the content will be made inside Moodle and added to Moodles Course Activities.
H5P and xAPI
Today learning happens outside of a Learning Management System and a PC’s web browser. To track these experiences xAPI has been developed. As well described on web site ”xAPI releases us from the constraints of only being able to track web-based formal learning; in addition, it is capable of tracking informal learning, social learning, and real world experiences.
As H5P is a CMS plugin it does not include its own xAPI Learning Repository System. H5P generates the statements and deliveres statements to the CMS or LMS (i.e. Moodle) so that CMS or LMS can use its own LRS integration to send H5P's statements to an LRS.
H5P, xAPI and PVMoodle 3.0
In development of new eLearning system PVMoodle 3.0 for Finnish Defence Forces training, H5P and xAPI are integrated to Moodle.
In the workshop we will present benefits of using H5P in Content creation and using them inside Moodle based LMS. We will also present the future integration of xAPI in PVMoodle 3.0.
He has teaching experience using ADL in different learning situation. He is also developing courses that uses ADL.
The participants will experience how a net meeting tool can be used guiding students, giving lessons and facilitating collaboration in learning situations. For this workshop Adobe Connect will be used as the net meeting tool.
Preferably the participants bring their own portable internet connected computers with an updated version of Adobe Flash Player and a headset.
It will also be shown how a traditional learning platform, in this case Itslearning, can be used together with a net meeting tool. That is how an asynchronous learning platform can be complemented by a synchronous net meeting tool.
Why online learning? Lessons learned from introducing three various online learning concepts for different professions in a geographically spread organization.
Public Dental Health Care in the region of Västra Götaland is the largest dental care organization in Sweden and is represented in all 49 municipal areas in the region. It consists of 109 general dental clinics, 46 specialist clinics and two training clinics for students. In 2014, the number of customers were 672,514 and the numbers of employees were 3,121.
A few years ago, the management decided that the number of online courses should increase. The main goal was to offer a variety of courses, some on campus, others available only online and yet others as blended learning. Since it is a big region the employees should be able to learn new things without having to leave the clinic. The vision is to move learning possibilities closer to the workplace and make skill development a natural element in an ordinary working day where the main tools are the Learning Management Systems (PingPong), Skype and the organizations intranet.
This workshop will focus on three examples and experiences that have been perceived.
During the workshop the following questions will be discussed and answered:
In 2008 he was assigned to the Danish Defence Electronic School. Here he uses his competences to design and develop Serious Games, e-learning and mobile learning.
Ramon is also a video photographer and expert in animations, multimedia content for e-learning purposes such as video, picture, illustration and motion graphics to the Danish Defence Electronic School.
The Virtual World Sandbox (VWS) is an open source game development tool built in HTML5, by The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative.
VWS makes it easy to develop, maintain and deploy games, simulations or learning content.
In this demonstration we will show how easy it is to collaborate on building a small 3D simulation. We will build, deploy, and even integrate the simulation into our own LMS in less than 30 minutes.
Digital transformation is currently shaking several industries and influencing the way organizations and institutions operate. The nature of work is changing faster than ever. Working and learning have started to blend, and the digital transformation of learning has accelerated organizations' ability to transform. Learning is becoming more measurable, developable, and goaloriented. Deciding when and where individuals learn is no longer time and place dependent. Thus, accelerating learning with the help of digitalization is becoming a critical success factor.
In a rapidly changing environment, it is essential to be able to analyze and develop learning and organizational capabilities in a similar way to other operations. Recognizing any potential shortage or risks within capabilities has become crucial for organizations.
Understanding how to maximize the effectiveness of learning and development should be a common interest of all organizations. Since learning and problem solving often happen in social and informal scenarios, it is important to have tools to measure and analyze 100% of learning activities.
In this presentation we show what kind of challenges Nasa is facing related to learning and workforce development, and present Case Collaboratory as a learning method. We will also state some key findings on what we should expect from the digital transformation of learning.
This presentation is based on the white paper Digital Transformation of Learning; Why we need another “Apollo Effect”.
He is responsible for the development and training on Adobe Captivate.
With Captivate 8 it is easy to create content for mobile devices, the web, desktops, and leading LMS’s.
Captivate is a great screen recording tool, but with the latest editions, the focus on creating advanced interactive e-learning projects has increased.
Especially the new opportunity in Captivate 8 to develop responsive projects in an easy way is great. Combined with publishing to SCORM, TINCAN etc. and native apps using Phonegap, Captivate is a versatile tool for e-learning developer.
In the workshop we will show a small project, and see how Captivate handles the project development simultaneously om Pc, tablet and mobile.
His main focus is to create better conditions for leadership and Net Based Learning in the Swedish Armed Forces. Major Ljung is a member of the NORDEFCO ADL Forum of Experts and also a representative in the NATO Training Group IT&ED (Individual Training and Education Development).
Often when you talk or hear about Learning Management Systems or learning platforms you tend to think about courses, exams and other things closely related to education. But there are a lot of other things that you can use your LMS for.
This workshop will focus on other areas, than traditional Online Learning, where a LMS can be of use. We will give you four tangible examples and discuss how to think when creating the setup for these activities, some of them uses the LMS to a 100% and some much less. The examples are taken from a military context but could easily be adapted in a civilian context.
Come and meet us and let´s get inspired!
Years in ADL; planning, coordination, designing, teaching etc.
We will take a down to earth look how to design great self learning material.
- How to structure the course
- What elements to use and why
- How to avoid most common mistakes
Trained in interactive media, video, photo and graphic production.
I will show simple tips how to film handheld.
Mobile devices, DSLR and lowprice camcorders all work equally well for simple video, just think about the basics and plan carefully.
Keynote speakers: 45 mins.
Speakers (Auditorium): 30 mins.
Parallel sessions: 40 mins.
Workshops: 2x40 mins. or
Workshop: 90 mins.
Exhibition in every break
Event Date
May 10th - 12th may 2016
Hotel Gustavelund
Tuusula, Finland
The conference fee 2016
(5520 NOK, 5570 SEK, 4475 DKK)
Price extra night 120€
Accomodation from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th.
Accomodation single room
All meals
Free coffe during all breaks
Free Wifi
Free parking
Free transport Airport/Hotel (Shuttle)