The aims of the workshop are to introduce the core theories behind gamification, understand the basic principles of how gamification can be implemented and learn utilize the basic elements in the participant's own gamified training/working session. In the introduction, the self-regulation theory as a basis for the gamification is presented. In addition, basic gamification elements will be discussed: leaderboards, certificates and badges, points, status, challenges, stories, and flow. Next, two examples of gamification from working life are presented, and based on the examples, the ideas of how gamification could be applied to military training will be discusses. After the case presentations, the participants form small groups, each group discuss and select a real world (training) case where they would like to try to implement gamification, and with the guidance of the workshop leader they outline the gamification experiment for that particular case. Finally, the groups present their cases to the workshop participants and get feedback from the other groups for their gamification idea.
Blended learning in the Danish Defense Pedagogical ambitions in designing e-learning Abstract by Thomas Grønlund, Danish Defense College MEd Adult Learning and HR development.
The starting point of this study is a hypothesis that the learning potential offered by e-learning in general is not sufficiently exploited. And the aim of the study is to provide suggestions on how learning outcomes of e-learning courses can be optimized. The study investigates - using statistics and questionnaires – 104 students' learning experiences from attending the Danish Defense ERP basic e-course. The study triangulates its investigations by interviewing resource persons related to the development and the administration of the e-course. The results of these studies are analyzed and explained in the perspective of theory involving Cognitive and Affective Taxonomy, Intrinsic Motivation and cognitive learning processes in general.
The two major conclusions of the analysis are that - in order to match the formulated taxonomic ambitions: learning-motivation in the basic e-course is not sufficiently prioritized in the course-design, and the learning potential of e-interaction is in general not sufficiently exploited. In this perspective the theory offer three suggestions on how a pedagogically focused design of e-courses can meet ambitious taxonomic learning goals by offering the student a choice of interest and thereby meaningfulness, by creating virtual learning- and practice communities and by skillful use of differentiated teaching methods.
Mikael Gudmundsson work as project manager at the Armed Forces Development Unit for Leadership and Pedagogy since 2005. He mainly works with issues concerning leadership and development of the military profession.
He also holds courses in pedagogy for military instructors/teachers. Additionally he´s got experience in education methodology in cooperation with other authorities, such as the Swedish Police. Mikael is flight lieutenant in the Swedish Air Force.
The traditional way of communicating information about procedures in a (Swedish) military context is by providing a manual or an instruction.
So, is it possible to do something else except one-way communication and instead create an environment where to get relevant information AND sharing experiences, by interacting with the content as well as with other users? Is it achievable by using a Learning Management System to create a net-based support for users?
Professional Guidance is a way to support individuals to develop their military profession, e.g. NCOs. An ongoing project is to develop a net based support for users how to conduct Professional Guidance, both as supervisor and recipient.
The objective is...
We have all heard that today's learners are seeking highly engaging, immersive training and organizations are keen to deploy more 3D training, which includes exploring virtual and augmented reality applications. In this workshop we will examine the challenges for adopting 3D training, what factors need to be considered when developing advanced 3D training and considerations for selecting the right tool to fit your training requirements.
We will walkthrough a case study identifying a 3D immersive training need, the process for creating the application and the resultant solution. Attendees will receive hands-on instruction showing the rapid creation of the virtual reality application.
During this workshop we will demonstrate how NATO School’s ADL Team managed and established the blended learning approach at NATO School Oberammergau and how the curricula of an institution is enhanced through various features of the open source technologies (Drupal CMS and ILIAS LMS). The power of global collaboration, which finds it start at the ADL Office at NATO School Oberammergau, proves that within a world of rapid changing threats and challenges on different levels and through different acteurs time and place independent training and teaching is inevitable.
Designer of various game projects and VR/AR/XR enthusiastic from Jyväskylä Finland, Joonas has studied gamification and software engineering on his studies at Canada and Silicon Valley and is focusing on possibilities of Virtual and Augmented Reality especially in military training exercises. "By combining knowledge of game development experience generation and rewarding system to military training we are getting efficient, resource wise and meaningful training exercises".
In our workshop we are introducing gamified demo of TCCC training simulation. The simulation is two phased. In phase 1, trainee is introduced to basic battlefield tactical combat casualty care and the simulation itself in very sterile virtual reality environment. On phase 2 trainee is taken to "live situation" with no guidance and various visual and audial distractions with created sense of urgency. How this effects to trainees performance? The workshop includes VR experience for every attendees with brought individual portable VR system (remember to bring your smartphones, no software installation needed) and a volunteer gets to try out the VR simulation while rest of the attendees observes the exercise.
The Management Training unit of Karlberg have developed a initiation training concept of producing small SCORM-packages of complex logistic transactions in the Swedish Defense SAP system called PRIO. The Scorm packages are produced via the simulation software ASSIMA, and launched onto the internal LMS, with the aim of having the staff beeing able to uphold their skills and remind themselves between classroom training occasions and go-live and launch of the adressed functions in the SAP-system, as well as a reminder of how to do when certain transactions are used on a seldom performed basis. The concept has proved itself functioning well, and is rather easy to uphold in terms of administration and updating. The workshop will show how the problem of maintaining skills gathered in system classroom traing can be adressed via simulation of the adressed transactions, using the software ASSIMA, and the lessons learned through the concept.
Radars have been used to see beyond the reach of the human eye for decades. Big data and data analysis are the foundation of modern internet communication, marketing and intelligence operations. Learning analysis is now a hot topic in the eLearning industry as well. Bots and AI are set to take their place alongside teachers in classrooms - acting as learning radars. But you don't need the latest big data tools to do learning analytics. You need to know how to ask the right questions and how to make the best use of already existing reporting and stats tools in your LMS. Often even simple questions go unasked and lot of easy-to-get information is overlooked. In this presentation I will present a list of basic questions that a course admin or teacher may have when running an eLearning course. I will show how to answer these questions using Moodle LMS reporting. Tools like Excel's Pivot tool can be used to drill down to eLearning course data. We will also discuss the audience's experiences of using reporting and analysis in different eLearning platforms.
Selecting the right eLearning Tool and the right learning strategy is very important to ensure your students are motivated and will actually learn. In this workshop I will look into various eLearning tools and strategies and introduce in ways to select the right tool for your audience. – Among others we will focus on online tutoring and the idea of the flipped classroom. By choosing the right learning strategy you cannot only increasing the learning experience of your students, you get also highly motivated students, when you addressing the right content at the right time for their needs. Especially in multinational individual training education it is sometimes a challenge to ensure all learners are getting the most out of the course. The workshop on “choosing the right tool for your eLearning to enhance students learning and motivation” will first look into the theory of adult learning. Then we will focus on the various ways to analyse your audience and your training need through a simple SWOT analysis for your teaching. At the next step we will focus on different eLearning options and evaluate which would be the most beneficial for your teaching. Finally, based on the analysis done previously, we look into the selection of the right tool(s). The whole workshop is meant to be a guided discussion, participants are encouraged to share their experiences and how they are selecting the right learning strategy to motivate their students and facilitate learning. This workshop is meant as a follow up to my previously proposed presentation on Learning and Motivation. While focusing during the presentation more on the theory the workshop sessions is more designed to a guided discussion and interactive session. However, this workshop can also be presented without the presentation prior.
Creating e-learning courses can be very time-consuming and often requires technical skills. But if you already master PowerPoint, then you'll absolutely love iSpring. iSpring Suite sits as an add-on for PowerPoint and adds powerful functionalities to create courses. Working with the familiar PowerPoint interface iSpring makes it easy to create professional looking courses. All the transitions, animations and hyperlinks are faithfully converted by iSpring into HTML5 format in no time. We will introduce the basic features in iSpring Suite, and show you how easy it is to develop new Courses using this PowerPoint add-on.
Teaching IT-infrastructure - any time - any where
Teaching IT- infrastructure often requires a large scale hardware environment. Bringing E-learning into that area of education can be quite a challenge (just ask my captain...)
In this workshop we will demonstrate how we have met this challenge using a large remote hardware infrastructure through VPN and virtualization.
Participants in this workshop will attend a short e-learning lesson in Windows Server 2012 R2.
Do we really need to invest the time, money, and effort in creating content for all courses? How do we best leverage existing online content to meet our current training requirements? What strategies can we employ to help improve our individual learning skills? What cultural aspects should we consider when creating a self-guided learning experience? How do competencies play into this potential learning framework?
This hands-on, small-team driven workshop addresses and explores each of the questions above in an effort to help spur practical self-guided learning designs within each our unique current technological environments.
Keynote speakers: 45 mins.
Speakers (Auditorium): 30 mins.
Parallel sessions: 40 mins.
Workshops: 2x40 mins. or
Workshop: 90 mins.
Exhibition in every break