It´s our pleasure to invite you to the 2015 edition of the Nordic conference for Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL). For the third time the conference will be a joint venture of the four Nordic countries Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Additional this year we can celebrate the 10 years anniversary of the Norwegian ADL conference upon whose shoulders the present conference are standing.
In a time where individual training and education are facing demands on flexibility, just in time modularized training program and individual designed education the use of information technology in a pedagogical way is a key factor when new training and education are developed.
During the last decade we have seen new emerging technologies like mobile devices, gaming and wireless simulation are being developed and used in training and education.
This year conference will be based the topics Mobile learning, Net based Courses, Learning Strategies, Learning innovation, Production of learning content or any other topics that can be related to ADL. We will focus on best practice in this areas both from a theoretical point of view, but also from a practical side. We will set the stage for discussions if these new solutions are useful and how ADL and emerging technologies can support training and education and enhance the operational capacity?
We will work hard to give you an insight on how you and your organization can use new emerging technologies to increase the effectiveness and quality of your training.
If you have a great proposal for a presentation within the field of ADL or can if you can perform a workshop, please submit an abstract before Marts 1st 2015. Our program committee will afterward develop the conference program based on the incoming proposals.
The NORDEFCO Advanced Distributed Learning
Forum of Experts